If you're like most people, or most people I know, you buy lots of food and you throw away lots of food.
Because you don't want to eat your leftovers, or your food has spoiled or expired before you got around to eating it.
Like most people, you've probably gotten into the habit of buying more food each week whether you needed it or not.
Honestly, I throw away too much food.
So, I challenged myself to start using the food already on my shelves and in my icebox and to severely limit my grocery shopping.
As you can see, I had stored up a variety of tasty items including: grains, flours, pastas, medication for my dog, honey, and some frosting.
The resourcefulness of my twenties has awakened. A time when I had no money, but still needed to eat. (Thank goodness my mom and dad lived close by.)
Take the challenge:
How much of that food in your pantry and icebox you can eat up?
How few items can you purchase at the grocery store?
How long can you go between grocery visits?
I'm on the 2nd week of my challenge.
It's empowering.
It's survival.
It's fun!
And I'm saving a nice chunk of money.