Sunday, July 20, 2014

Character Takes on a Life of Her Own

Kitty eating at Nha Trang in Chinatown
As can happen, writers/artists create a character and that character takes on a life of its own. This character does not pause for our conscious direction, but plunges forward with what I imagine is in our subconscious.

So, is the story of Kitty. She was created as a gift to my 3 year old friend, Maizie. Maizie played with her and during our day of fun, Kitty fell out of the car. Upon hearing of this, I promptly mailed Maizie a new kitten. As I turned around from the mailbox, what should I see? but Kitty on the street under a car where Maizie and her family had dropped me off the night before.

Since that moment, Kitty has been with me always. She has adventured her way through New York City, making friends, finding stray kittens (of her species) and in general, following her impulses.

You can follow Kitty's adventures on instragram at: susannapitzer

Kitty and her friend, Lucky
Kitty rescued kittens in Central Park

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