Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Branch Grew Roots!

This week, the branch moved to its next stage. The leaves and flowers had all dried up and it was time to cut them off and go forward on wrapping the branch with fabric to become the installation that I had originally intended.

I took the branch out of its water can and pushed it through the window onto the fire escape. In this process, I received a slight shock. Roots were growing from the bottom of the branch. This might sound like an overreaction, but I've been emotionally attached to this branch from the some strange mental battle of guilt over it being alive and on its way out.

I wasn't the one who cut it down in the park. I was the one who picked it up and brought it home. Still this whole process has highlighted for me two things...the strength of living things to stay alive...and how we anthropomorphize everything.

Over the past weeks, I've tried to keep this small tree alive by making root cuttings and planting seeds, neither it was quite exciting to see that the little sawed off tree had grown roots itself in an effort to keep going.

So now, I've cut the branch back a bit to allow more nutrients to focus on the growth of roots.

I went ahead and wrapped some cotton, breathable fabric on the branch, leaving places open for future little branches to poke through.

At this point, it's wait and see what happens...but isn't that the way it is with everything.

Hope for the best and wait and see. : )

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