Tuesday, June 21, 2011

First Day of Summer!

This first day of summer was a beautiful peaceful day in Kansas.

Last night, the air were filled with lightening and thunder. Today, it's beautiful clear blue skies with lovely warm weather.

It's good for me to remember that beautiful days usually follow stormy ones. Because somehow in the midst of a big storm, my heart beats fast and hard. I'll admit I feel a bit scared, even though I always act brave. I remind myself that I'm safe, and that it's probably human nature for my adrenaline to start pumping with the sound of thunder and the sight of lightening.

The storms of life have a similar effect. They seem like they will never end. That they are dangerous. I'll be honest, some are. But storms of all kinds come with being alive.

Some people seem to have more than their fair share of storms. I don't know why this is. In my past there were some majorly stormy years...and all I have to say about that is... I survived. They made me much tougher and more sure of what I wanted for my life. When it got really bad, and I couldn't take any more bad storms, I finally changed some major things about myself and my life. Now, my life is pretty great.

If you live in a place where stormy days outnumber glorious beautiful days, and you would prefer the later...maybe it's time to move.

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