Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fill Your Page!

Yesterday, I was back in the classroom working with students on illustration through Behind the Book.

The students and I discussed some of the important points of illustration, drawing multiple ideas before choosing one, how to draw the interest of a potential reader, how to enhance the written story or to even create a second story that only appears in the pictures.

Shown here is one of the student illustrations.  When I saw it, I thought of how wonderfully she had filled the page.

Then I started thinking of life. How we should fill our life in good ways, with people, activities, and experiences that we love. Filling your life isn't about being busy, it's about being filled with satisfaction.

One of of my satisfying activities is going into schools. Reinforcing for children that they are smart and creative and that's half of how they will accomplish their goals. The other half is work. Success isn't usually a first day activity. It happens with work and time. Something these students start to understand as they write and illustrate their stories over several weeks.

The playing field is far from even. However, we all have the ability to work toward something we truly want. To persevere through disappointment. To work on improving our skills. Sometimes just working toward something we want makes our life far better than if we never tried.

Here's to trying every day, and for filling our life with satisfying moments.

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